Stranger Danger

'Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. '
Exodus 34:12

The people of God were in a place they had never been before as a people. They no longer had their taskmasters breathing down their necks with threats and beatings. No, they were free from the yoke of their slavery. Now, however, they faced new challenges ahead of them. They were about to take possession of their promised land but it wasn't the goal God had for their life.

It's wise to overstate the purpose of our salvation. It is not only to rescue us from the taskmaster of sin, but the greater purpose is to restore our call to know God. It's the covenant God establishes with us that we need to guard and defend. Moses had been interceding for the presence of God to never leave His people. It was after this moment when God promises His presence that this warning is given...

'Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. '

Establishing a covenant is making a sworn allegiance to someone or something. If Israel didn't destroy the false gods and tear down the altars of the previous inhabitants they would find themselves cursed, hung up, and unfruitful.

Nothing new is happening today. When we make an allegiance to our phones, social media, entertainment, and the idols of our world they will and have become a snare to us. We are fruitless and self serving because we have not destroyed the altars of self and made an allegiance to the gods of this world.

It's time to return to God. The call of God today is about holiness and not heros. God is not moved by our abilities. He is drawn towards covenant devotion to Him and His presence.

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